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Digits Hand Tracker

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:16 pm
by SlasherG
SourceFed wrote:Today in “we live in the future” news, Microsoft’s Research lab has come out with its latest prototype, and it makes the Kinect look downright quaint.

It’s called “Digits,” which includes a hand tracking device worn on the wrists that can accurately model the movements of your hand, down to each individual finger.

With the device being worn on your wrists, David Kim, Ph. D, a Microsoft Research fellow explains that “the Digits sensor doesn’t rely on external infrastructure, which means users are not bound to a fixed space.”

I.e., now your Kinect can exist outside of your living room. Or basement. Or wherever you’ve put that thing.

Eventually, Kim says, he wants to shrink the device down to the size of a wristwatch, which would allow one to carry it at all times, even connecting to your smartphone and having its screen beamed to a TV or projected onto a Google Glass-like device, manipulated by nothing but your free hands.

Really, the video above has some Minority Report stuff going on — but potentially with even less gear.

The prototype is already quite small when you consider how early in its development it’s at. Yet in the near future, this sort of technology can seamlessly integrate into the daily physical life of your tech-savvy user
Πηγή: ... r-fingers/



Το πρώτο πράγμα που σκέφτηκα: ΦΑΝΤΑΣΟΥ ΤΟ ΜΕ ΤΑ GOOGLE GLASSES. OMFG.

Re: Digits Hand Tracker

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:27 pm
by petyros
ενδιαφέρον...θα είχε πολλές ωραίες εφαρμογές ;)

Re: Digits Hand Tracker

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 10:20 pm
by SlasherG
σκέψου google glasses στη θέση της οθόνης, και το παραπάνω σε μέγεθος ρολογιού, να αντικαθιστά όχι απλά το ποντίκι, αλλά ένα γενικότερο πολυδιαδραστικό τρόπο μεταχείρησης δεδομένων.

κι όλα αυτά, όσο περπατάς. :o