Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

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I'm writing to you because you've registered for online courses from Stanford in the past. I wanted to introduce you to two new ones.
Like the courses you've seen before, these free courses are taught by Stanford faculty, and include videos with embedded quizzes, standalone problem sets, and discussion forums. These two new courses are available on the new Stanford-built open source platform Class2Go.
Explore the Internet in Introduction to Computer Networks

Introduction to Computer Networks will explain how the Internet works, ranging from how bits are modulated on wires and over the air to understanding application protocols like BitTorrent and HTTP. You will examine many concepts in current practice and recent developments, such as net neutrality and DNS security. Join Stanford professors Nick McKeown (co-founder of Nicira Networks and winner of ACM Sigcomm "Lifetime Achievement" Award) and Philip Levis (inventor of tinyOS and co-founder of Kumu networks) in exploring the Internet in Introduction to Computer Networks.
Begins October 8, 2012. Register at http://networking.class.stanford.edu/
Be part of the solutions to global energy demands in Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries

Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries will focus on the operating principles and applications of emerging technological solutions to the energy demands of the world. The course will begin with a discussion of the scale of global energy usage and requirements for possible solutions. You will then explore the physics and chemistry of solar cells, fuel cells, and batteries and the promise of materials research to offer next-generation solutions. Join Stanford professor Bruce Clemens (President of the Materials Research Society) in exploring solutions to global energy needs in Solar Cells, Fuel Cells, and Batteries.
Begins October 8, 2012. Register at http://solar.class.stanford.edu/
What's different about Stanford courses on Class2Go?

Class2Go's videos are easily skimmable and reviewable using our custom-generated thumbnail image index. Class2Go also uses Piazza discussion forums to help you connect to your instructors and colleagues across the world. Learn more about Class2Go (and why we like it so much) at http://class2go.stanford.edu/
Find more free Stanford courses at http://online.stanford.edu/courses.
Hope to see you online!
John Mitchell
Vice Provost for Online Learning
Stanford University
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by ShadowMech »

Τα γαμημενα ειναι πολυ περισσοτερα απο τον ελευθερο χρονο μου... Και χρησιμα! :evil:
Ρώτα οποιονδήποτε ευτυχισμένο άνθρωπο και δεν θα σου πει για συστήματα, πολιτικές, δυνάμεις, αριστερά, κεφάλαιο. Δεν θα σου πει τίποτα πέρα από το "ήξερα τι ήθελα".

The Don
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

ShadowMech wrote:Τα γαμημενα ειναι πολυ περισσοτερα απο τον ελευθερο χρονο μου... Και χρησιμα! :evil:
είναι πολύ περισσότερα από τον οποιοδήποτε χρόνο.

γάμησε τα.
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

I am writing to you again to introduce five more exciting classes offered by Stanford University for free. Here is the list:
1- Technology Entrepreneurship, Chuck Eesley. Starting October 15th.
This course introduces the fundamentals of technology entrepreneurship, pioneered in Silicon Valley and now spreading across the world. This is the second offering of the class. Last time, nearly 40,000 students from around the world participated and worked in teams together. The top teams were matched with Silicon Valley mentors, and the best teams at the end of the class pitched their ideas to investors. Many of the alumni of the last class are continuing to build their startups and will be mentoring teams this time.
Register at http://venturelab.stanford.edu/venture
2- Crash Course on Creativity, Tina Seelig. Starting October 17th.
In this course, Tina Seelig reveals a set of tools and conditions that we each control - our Innovation Engine - that allows us to increase our own creativity and that of our teams and organizations. She shows that just as the scientific method demystifies the process of discovery, there is a formal process for unlocking the pathway to invention.
Register at http://venturelab.stanford.edu/creativity
3- Finance, Kay Giesecke. Starting October 15th.
This class introduces the basic concepts of modern finance and their practical application. Learn about financial markets and securities, how to rank investment alternatives, use different interest rates, immunize a bond portfolio, measure financial risk, and structure a stock portfolio optimally. Apply your learning in a project involving actual security market data.
Register at http://venturelab.stanford.edu/finance
4- Start up Boards. Clint Korver. Starting October 15th.
The class helps you accelerate your startup through hands-on guidance from a board of peers and experts custom-built for your venture. You will learn how the most successful startups seek guidance from the smartest people in their industry to avoid common startup traps.
Register at http://venturelab.stanford.edu/advanced_venture
5- Designing a New Learning Environment, Paul Kim. Starting October 15th.
What constitutes learning in the 21st century? Should reading, watching, memorizing facts, and then taking exams be the only way to learn? Or could technology (used effectively) make learning more interactive, collaborative, and constructive? The ultimate goal of this project-based course is to promote systematic design thinking that will cause a paradigm shift in the learning environments of today and tomorrow.
Register at http://venturelab.stanford.edu/education
All the above classes are offered on Venture Lab (http://venturelab.stanford.edu), a unique platform developed by Stanford faculty Amin Saberi and students with a strong focus on collaboration and experiential learning. In all of the above classes, students form teams and work together on real world projects.
Find more free Stanford courses at http://online.stanford.edu/courses
Hope to see you online!
John Mitchell
Vice Provost for Online Learning
Stanford University
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

Good luck indeed.

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Hello Kuchiki Byakuya,

So now that you know how to program a robotic car, maybe you'd like some more practical applications for your python skills. Maybe you want to learn how to model the growth of a wildfire? Or the spread of disease? Or maybe you just want to know something about how to navigate a ship through its trajectory around the moon and (hopefully) back to earth?

Intrigued? Take a look at CS222: Differential Equations in Action. Good luck!

Be proud to die by my Bankai.
Bankai. Senbonsakura Kageyoshi
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

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Dear Kuchiki Byakuya,

Happy October! We're announcing new classes and features, both in response to your valuable feedback as well as to further support educational and career aspirations. We look forward to seeing you in meetups, posting your projects (and admiring others'), and most importantly, in new classes we are launching!
New Classes Open for Enrollment
Our new classes focus on contemporary skills blended with programming concepts and computer science subject knowledge. To enhance the classes, we‘ve partnered with leading companies and brought in fantastic researchers and practitioners to teach with us.
HTML5 Game Development
This class will teach you HTML5 programming, centered around creating your own browser-based games. HTML5 is an emerging platform for building engaging and immersive web applications.
Intro to Parallel Programming
Break out of your linear approach to programming and learn how to harness the power of GPUs and parallel thinking to create lightning-fast programs.
Interactive Rendering
What is it about the surface of an apple that makes it look so different from the surface of an orange? In this class, you will learn the basics of 3D computer graphics, including the math, physics, and programming necessary to model 3D objects.
Functional Hardware Verification
Computer scientists often forget about the importance of, well, computers (and the chips inside them). This course straddles the interface between hardware and software, and will teach you how to verify whether hardware behaves as expected.
All these courses will be launching in early 2013, but you can enroll now!
Udacity in the News
Udacity was featured prominently in a Time Magazine cover story on the new wave of online education and Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
Univision, the Spanish-language television network, featured Udacity on-air and also announced that the Colombian Ministry of Technology and Innovation will be translating the entire Lean LaunchPad course into Spanish!
Tech Developments
Our Udacious engineering team has been hard at work to bring some amazing new features to Udacity.
Support for new languages: By early 2013, we will support our own in-browser coding environments for HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and CUDA. You will have no programs to install or run, but will be able to learn, think, do directly in your Udacity class.
Integration with Mathematica: We are very proud of our highly interactive format and are extending our features by integrating with Mathematica. Soon you will be able to enter equations, create graphs, and visualize your computational models right in your web browser.
Keep learning and we'll connect again next month!

Your Udacity Team
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by castiel »

Now dance, fucker, dance | Man, I never had a chance | And no one even knew | It was really only you
And now you'll lead the way | Show the light of day | Nice work you did | You're gonna go far, kid..


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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

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Dear Κουτσίκη,

Happy November! To kick things off, we would be honored to see Udacity nominated for a Crunchie Award in the new Education category. Please help get us nominated!

Last month we announced four new courses brought to you by some industry partners: HTML5 Development with Google, Intro to Parallel Programming with NVIDIA, Interactive Rendering with Autodesk, and Functional Hardware Verification with Cadence. All are open for enrollment now!
Also browse our full course list and try one that is active today! As we continure to produce new courses, we also have a few other developments to improve your Udacity experience.

Translation Project

We're excited to announce our partnership with Amara who provides a wonderful translation platform and helps ensure that all Udacity courses have closed captioning in English. We want to thank those who have already helped us translate courses into 45 different languages, including Portuguese, Dutch, French and Croatian! We encourage you to join or translation community and to continue this mission of making our courses more accessible. To participate, join the Udacity team on Amara.

Course Downloads
On the theme of access, we are proud to announce that we’ve made all our videos available for download! We hope this will help all our students, especially those who do not have access to YouTube, limited access to internet or those with slower internet connections. Click here to view all of our courses that are available to download.

AI Class is back!

Last but not least, the class that started it all is now on Udacity! For the 160,000 of you who took AI class in its inaugural offering with Stanford University last fall, this is your chance to brush up on what you learned, now at your own pace. And for all of our new students, you now have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of artificial intelligence from Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun and experience the beginnings of Udacity yourself. Check it out here!

We look forward to seeing everyone in our meetups, classes, translation community, and sharing your Udacious projects. And please continue to reach out to us with any suggestions and feedback you have in our discussion forums. We are always eager to hear from our students.

Be Udacious!
Your Udacity Team
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

κοιτάξτε εδώ
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Career Services: Finding great job opportunities
Coursera has begun Career Services with the goal of helping Coursera students find great jobs! Meeting great companies just got easier. Just go to coursera.org/account/careerservices and fill in your profile to opt-in to the service. After you opt-in, we will share your resume and other information you provide with selected partner companies who will introduce themselves if there’s a match.
We're excited to connect you with great companies and new opportunities! Complete your profile here! coursera.org/account/careerservices
Andrew, Daphne, and the Coursera team
Students are meeting great companies through placement services
I had a great experience interviewing with a company Coursera introduced me to, and was extended an offer!
I got to meet a great company- the people are funny and creative and the overall environment is amazing.
Denis Vlasov Dragoş-George Comăneci
Go to Career Services
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Re: Δωρεάν online Μαθήματα (Udacity, Coursera, MITx, etc)

Post by Kuchiki_Byakuya »

και εδώ.

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Dear Courserians,

Congratulations to all the Coursera students who participated in the fall courses!
We are gearing up for what will be a very exciting January and February. Over 60 new courses are launching, from Prof. Ed Hess’s “Grow to Greatness: Growth for Private Business” from UVA, to the beautifully designed “Calculus: Single Variable” with Prof. Ghrist from UPenn, to “Introductory Philosophy” from University of Edinburgh, to “The Fundamentals of Personal Finance Planning” from UC Irvine with Prof. Debok, and many more. Check out the upcoming courses and sign-up!

Happy Learning!
Your Cousera Team | www.coursera.org
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